My First Blog Tour Award

Thank you SO much to Paola from DotedOn for nominating me for this award! I just want to say that her blog is really cool because as the reader you are basically getting an honest daily dose of her life, so you can wake up each morning and read the next installment, like a story that gets updated every day. Except, unlike a novel, it is all true, and if you start reading in the middle you can still understand it. So, I am bestowing the link upon you, my dear reader:
Use it wisely!

Now for this award – The Blog Tour Award, here are the rules for accepting:
1) Compose a one-time post on a specific Monday.
2) Give your nominees the rules and a specific Monday to post.
3) Pass the blog tour to four other bloggers.
4) Answer four questions about your creative process which lets other bloggers and visitors know what inspires you to do what you do.

Let me explain:

What it means by a one-time specific Monday is that you have to do your acceptance post including a story you’ve written, on a specific Monday that the person who nominated you chose. This can either be a specific date, or something clever… or something annoying.

I was asked to: please do it on a sunny Monday. I got off pretty easily with that requirement – I mean, DotedOn could have specified a date that was really difficult for me but instead she said to post it on a sunny Monday, which is quite flexible, and I’m really grateful for that. As it happens, I’m a really awesome person too so I’m also going to give my nominees a “deadline” that hopefully isn’t too difficult to follow!

You can see which Monday I’ve chosen for my nominees, down below at the bottom of this post.

The story you write can be about ANYTHING. It can be whatever length you want – okay, preferably not just one sentence. You can write it especially for the award, or it can be something you wrote ages ago. Whatever. True or false. Be creative!

My story is a piece of really bad creative writing from a few months ago. I’ll give a longer preamble full of excuses above the story.

The nominees always answer the same four questions. Here are the questions and my answers!

-What are you working on at the moment?

Good question! That’s what I’m trying to figure out. I’m not too good at time management. Actually, I think that sentence was a bit of an understatement. Twitter exists which takes out a huge chunk of the time that I would usually spend doing… ahem… things that are ACTUALLY useful. I like to tell myself, though, that Twitter is a necessary networking investment for my future… Anyway, my point is that whatever I’m working on at the moment is usually only what I’m working on for a fraction of that moment, as The Internet distracts me. Right now, I’m focusing on trying to focus on learning languages, and I’ve also been doing a helluva lot of scrapbooking. And googling Varg Vikernes a lot. I’d like to be working on a novel but I’m not. (I’d also like to be working on my next black metal album with symphonic and post-punk influences… but I’m not even in a black metal band.)

-How does your work differ from others in your genre?

I procrastinate more.

-Why do you write or create what you do?

I like to write because it enables me to play god. Also, because it’s the most straightforward way to express my thoughts, opinions and ideas. Apart from just saying them out loud. But talking lacks the meaning of writing 😉

-How does your writing/creative process work?

This depends on whether I’m writing on my blog or just doing creative writing (which you will sample in all its nonexistent glory in a moment). With creative writing I usually use a prompt and a timer and just free-write. Sometimes I edit it to sound better afterwards 🙂 When I write on this blog I normally compose a post over a couple of days, taking breaks so that it’s easier to edit what I’ve written.

My super short story is a really bad piece of creative writing from a few months ago. Reeeeeeeeeally bad. It’s not even in the style in which I normally like to write. I edited it but it still isn’t good; I’m just showing it here for fun and obviously I can write stories that are better. Here it is (Any innuendo is because you have a dirty mind, not me):
Bidding farewell to his ex-boyfriend was, surprisingly, a rather juvenile affair – excuse the pun. Leon had been on precisely two dates with Benjamin. Two short dates. The first had been in a small coffee shop with vanilla brioches and old brown books that smelt of chocolate and icing sugar. There had been pictures of the Eiffel tower and love hearts on the burgundy walls. Benjamin had ordered an espresso. Leon had asked him why he didn’t take sugar and Benjamin had replied that Leon was the only sweetener he needed.Their second date had taken place in a poky French restaurant in Stoke Newington. They’d ordered lobster in white wine sauce. They’d discussed Parisian cuisine. They’d talked about favourite childhood comics. They’d laughed.

They’d arranged to meet again.

And then, their relationship – fleeting as it was – had been cut short by a girl named Jemima. In her innocence, she had fallen for Benjamin. The affair, as Leon called it, (although Benjamin liked to deny the title) lasted one day before it was found out.

Now Leon was pedaling his bicycle on the way to his ex’s moving away party. Jemima would be there. All the while as he pedaled, he tried to put this fact out of his mind, thinking instead of the tree with peculiar yellow flowers at the bottom of his parents’ garden, and how as a little boy he used to think the to an underground spy agency led by ninja griffins in red sunglasses.

He now wished he was pedaling towards that and even managed to convince himself so for five minutes, which required quite a suspension of disbelief, but was possible if he imagined the griffin’s glasses to be green instead of red.

Leon reached Benjamin’s old house boat, where the party was happening. He stepped on board. There was a splash. He peeked over the edge and saw Jemima flailing in the water. Benjamin was approaching. Leon checked that his zip was done up and then greeted the man with a nod of his head. Ben did the same. “Thanks for coming, man, I knew you’d make it” he said. Leon nodded. “Took your bike, did you?” remarked the ex noticing the helmet perched on Leon’s head. Leon nodded slowly and then remembered, to his delight, that Jemima was still floundering overboard. He hesitated and then leaned over, reaching his arm out to help her.

“Oh, right” said Ben… Well it means a lot that you came. He assisted Leon in the recovering of his girlfriend and then went inside to fetch a towel. Jemima, now back on board, coughed. Leon took a breath, paused and then said, “Jemima – you guys have my blessings… but just don’t tell Benjy about the time you and I were together…” He lowered his voice. “Especially not about the kiss I gave you… when I was dating him.”

“When we were dating him” she corrected.

The End

These are my Nominees (Hopefully their stories will be better!)

I’ll add more tomorrow, and I’ll edit the mistakes out of this entry XD

Nominees, post your acceptance posts/stories on a rainy Monday.

In My Highly Unrealistic Fantasy

1. I live in a mansion and own a Harley Davidson.

2. My semi-permanent hair dye doesn’t run and stain towels when my hair comes into contact with water.

3. I am an award-winning author of several well-known, beautifully written bestselling novels that are sold around the world.

4. I always remember to take the croissant out of the toaster in time, thereby not setting off the smoke alarm.

5. I am in an artistically brilliant, awe-inspiring SUPER successful rock band.

6. I don’t get white lint on my black clothes.

7. I somehow miraculously master French and Spanish, and am also fluent in Italian, German, Latin, Japanese, Shorthand, Irish and some kind of Sign Language.

8. I do body-building, resulting in super-strong muscles and a killer running stamina.

9. I actually wake up relatively early…

10. I have plenty of excess time to spend on leisure activities and expanding my knowledge.

11. I manage to think up witty come-backs on the spot and not three months later.

12. I have tons of followers on WordPress (hint-hint).

13. I get round to stuff.

14. I can listen to multiple songs at the same time.

15. I don’t quake in fear at having to answer the phone.

16. I can devour books one after the other and still have time to have a life.

17. I am immune to colds.

18. I am the human manifestation of awesomeness.

19. I don’t lose guitar picks.

20. No-one needs the toilet when I’m taking a shower.

21. My pencils don’t mysteriously go missing every three seconds.

22. The Echinacea doesn’t run out by itself.

23. Andrew Eldritch is a nice person who actually cares about his fans…

24. I can sing. Actually sing. In tune. WELL.

25. Time appears to naturally slow down for me, and it takes longer for my birthday to come round each year.

26. I don’t do embarrassing things like mispronounce band members’ names.

27. Future generations worship me.

28. I don’t miss my tube stop.

29. My ESP skills improve so much that I don’t have to use up texting credit anymore.

30. I reach 30 feeling like I’ve done something with my life.

A big thank you to Diana from A Holistic Journey for giving me the idea for this with her “In My Fantasy” post! I found it on Harsh Reality, where she was a guest. Oh, and here’s part 2 for her “In My Fantasy” post. You should totally read her blog. Enjoy!

Finally, before I go: Tell me what’s in your fantasy. Response posts are also completely welcome 🙂

I Am Going To Have A Shower Fully Clothed

A few days before Valentine’s Day, my best friend sent me a short bucket list for me to complete! Excited upon receiving it, I eagerly began to read; there were 19 items in total for me to do. All seemed possible and enjoyable! This is what my friend wrote (The bits in brackets are from her point of view, but she wrote the rest mostly as if it were me talking):

1. Be at my best friend’s wedding (You better be there!)

2. Have a shower fully clothed

3. Spend a week with my best friend

4. Fill a scrapbook

5. Order dessert first at a restaurant

6. Go ice-skating with my best friend

7. Have a silly string fight! (We are so doing this!)

8. Own a Wreck This Journal

9. Receive a bunch of roses

10. Fill a photo album

11. Send someone a Valentine’s Day card

12. Go to a concert with my best friend

13. Call the same friend every day for a whole week (you have to actually talk to them!)

14. Only listen to one song all day (any song, your choice! x)

15. Print out a Richard Wisker poster and keep it on your wall for a whole month

16. Have a sleepover with my best friend

17. Do everything on this bucket list!

18. Watch “The Fault In Our Stars”

19. Read “Since You’ve Been Gone” By Morgan Matson

When I turned the list over, there was an explanation. My friend had got the idea from, “Since You’ve Been Gone”, which is a book about… a list. The story is centered around a girl who’s friend has gone missing. Without a trace. The only possible clue to her whereabouts is a to-do list that she’s left behind. The remaining friend must now complete the items on it, in a hope that they will lead her to the missing girl. Anyway, my friend thought it was a great idea to write down fun things for someone else to do. She’s right! I don’t think she is planning on going missing, but I sure am completing the tasks she set me! I actually haven’t read the book yet. But I will. The only thing that I have completed so far is “send someone a Valentine’s Day card”. I should be able to do “spend a week with my best friend” this year, as she and I might be going to a week-long festival in June, called Hesfes. That’s actually where we met for the first time. I have a feeling the “only listen to one song all day” song is going to be by Nirvana. As for the concert… well, I would say some kind of rock/metal band if it were solely up to me, but my friend and I have very different music tastes… It will be hard choosing! She likes music such as The Vamps, so our only crossover would be bands like Sleeping With Sirens and All Time Low. So it’s goodbye for now, Mayhem! I feel like we are going to spend a long time negotiating 🙂

In return for the list, I wrote my own one for my friend. We will complete them together! I can’t wait to tick off all the items, and I was just thinking, isn’t writing a bucket list for someone such a brilliant idea? I challenge you to make a short one for a friend! Tell me what items you wrote on it down below, or just stop by and say hello 🙂